Flynn the Fine III

Or in other words: “Legislator does precisely what his constituents elected him to do, as soon as he could accomplish it.” Is that what you meant?

Which is perfect, when he already has the narrative plot line all preconceived, and is just looking for confirmation. You know, the epitome of ‘journalism’.

You never really understood the whole “cry wolf” story, did you?

I know it’s all about celebrity, but it’s pretty fucked up that the loser gets $3 mill, the winner gets $200k.

“Vanity keeps me from throwing away my makeup and sanity keeps me from, as I often feel the repugnant urge, breaking the mirror with the surface of my own face and leaving us both cracked open. But I also can’t deny my current impulse to become as ugly and unlikeable as I can, merely to serve as constant reminder of

“I also have to remember that everyone in their secret histories has made some transgression against women, just as I—in my whiteness, my relative economic comfort, my blind spots, and areas of ignorance—have surely offended and impeded someone else.”

And if they’re just coffee, they’re a crapton better for you than the Starbucks “milkshake disguised as coffee” beverages anyway.

You know those are the lesbian cosplay images we’re looking for, right?

A good guess would be spending a lot of time on Jezebel.


First, let me be clear: I despise the fact that athletes (I was one, but didn’t get a serious look at the Div I level), are treated like young gods, protected from harm, and generally allowed to be assholes.

Most people don’t get the luxury of choosing which customers they work for. “I shan’t serve you a BURGER because you are a WHITE OPPRESSOR!”