
Link is wrong for the InSSIDer website...links back to this article.

Not sure if I read about this method on Lifehacker or somewhere else, but it's great. When you forget someone's name, you can just ask them outright. When the reply with likely only their first name, you say "Sorry, I meant your last name." Saves you from the situation pretty smoothly.

My solution would be simply find and replace all the names with generic ones like Jack and Jill. Also, I doubt the editors there would care enough to actually steal it or anything (no offense). :) They're just trying to get the editing done as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to get paid.

Let's say you're on a network which has filtering in place. Would connecting to your home network using Hamachi give you unrestricted internet or would you have to use Privoxy in addition to that?

How do you get f.lux to work on both your monitors? I just set it up on my laptop and it works on the internal display but when I hook it up (VGA) to my external monitor, f.lux only changes the temperature for my external monitor. Any way you think I could fix this so that both monitors work with f.lux?

@RDRR: There's a full feed available, but it just isn't the default when you add a Gawker site to your RSS reader.

@mnerd: Yep, the toothpick is another way to do it. I was kinda wary of sticking a toothpick in there, so I used a Q-tip with the cotton taken off and it worked like a charm.

@mnerd: Does your audio jack have a red glow to it perhaps?

VOTE: Reeder

@mdtusz: Hard resets are another big thing. Also, DFU mode for jailbreaking.

@patrick.oriley: I got it! The pirates have to watch out because they're going to be blinded by the laser. Kinda weird to put the "pun" at the beginning when we don't even know what the laser's purpose is.

@xxdesmus: They can't run code in the background. It's technically not running in the background because the menu bar icon shows you that it's running. I know...Apple's guidelines are quite confusing.

@Tony Kaye: Agreed. It just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside...nothing compares. :)

@gstatty: That would be doubly awesome. I can't wait for them to unveil whatever they have. :)