
THANK GOD for Republicans. You're welcome nerds! :D :D :D

It's okay to laud the death of a man, but as soon as she gets fired for being toxic every liberal games journalism site starts screaming sexism. Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? Making every woman who deserves to get fired a victim is going to suffocate those who actually ARE victims of sexism.

My German ancestors are weeping. I'm not saying it doesn't sound delicious.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them gross or hateful. No one hates these people. I for one feel sorry for them. Depression and suicide rates are ridiculously high for these people. Why don't we talk about that?

Typical liberal selfishness. It's always just " me, me, me." A decent human being should place society, family, community, and culture above any sociological fantasise. You are NOT the most important person in the world, and you are NOT special. Shame on Kotaku for pushing a political agenda.

I don’t play COD because it’s historically inaccurate, and I deffinatly won’t be playing BFV. Are you a big battlefield fan? Because I own literally all of them, and I’ve been dissapointed with the slowly diminishing accuracy of the series, but I guess I’m just a racist sexist demon lol. This is why SJW culture killed

ONLY TWO GENDERS AVAILABLE? REEEEEE. Seriously though. Honoring our ancestors is more important than an sjw agenda. Stop being outraged for the battlefield fans who asked for this. Which is none by the way.

I can’t in good conscience buy this game. I recently went to my local legion to ask veterans how they feel about being portrayed alongside women and African Americans. They were clearly disgusted by it. “We’re on the right side of history” you’re on the right side of politically correct culture. Nothing more. I’m sure

How can you call this a new York team? Clearly these people are all from south Korea. This is why I have no respect for e-sports. There are plenty of good video game players of many different races/sexes in my state. Don’t call this my states team. That’s a south Korean team.

Looks like more fun than a gun control simulator. Am I right or am I right?

They aren’t sueing for bad reporting. Journalists should have to stand up to the same ethical standards as everyone else. This is a huge problem in america, and I think this is honestly a step in the right direction.

They should have made a sad cartoon about the millions of people the Japanese raped/murdered/enslaved. I love how nazies are evil but japs always get a free pass because kids love Asian stuff. It’s not even a true story.

In real life a 50 flying past your face wouldn’t do a thing. Shot one through a house of cards once. That’s all just TV bologna. Does your head fly off when you ride a motorcycle?

Video games are about suspending disbelief to make the player feel like they’re in the game.