
nobody with an ounce of integrity collects these for real

Boomer generation has left the world worse off than the one they were born into. I don’t see that as controversial or debatable.

I believe a lot of this can still be attributed to Cash for Clunkers.

Yeah, it is almost like wage growth has stagnated and the guarantee of a yearly raise and bonus that boomers grew up with dried up after their 40 years in the workforce.

Re: German cup holders. No, they don’t believe you should be drinking while you’re cruising down the autobahn at over 100 mph. Most BMW cupholders are easy to break, especially if they are of the pop-out variety.

look, can we all just kinda admit that private vehicles suck?

Its ok to keep saying true things.

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

“But she’s got a new hat!” cries one eager shopper

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

I’m sure he has a lot to say about masks and COVID too. It’s funny how something as small as a sticker can tell you everything you need to know about a person.

Well, the movie was also heartbreaking...ly BAD amirite??? :P :P :P

The ending was GRRMs. 

Write something then, George.

I think we need to just stop giving this man press. 

Now playing

That’s why it’s called a microaggression: it’s one small thing that, on its own, is probably a nothing, but when it adds up over time with others, it becomes a real problem. Especially because it’s such a small act done by a stranger who’s not aware of it. Did you ever see that Key & Peele sketch about the substitute

I’m a Midwesterner of deep Midwestern stock and I’m somewhat baffled as to why you think we’re mostly subsisting on Jell-o salad and cream of whatever soup - at least, wrt Midwestern food post-1985 or so. After college, I spent over a decade living in some of the most cosmopolitan parts of the U.S. and abroad before

Yeah, it’s a pretty tired take. Their conception of Midwest cooking seems to be stuck in the 1950s. I’ve spent my entire life, more or less, in the Midwest, and what they describe isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen. I have been to many a church festival, and never once have I been served anything suspended in aspic or

Sorry, but every single article ripping on Midwest food sounds horribly pretentious. Every single one.