
psst there are thousands of parts on a new tractor that you can replace without hooking them up to a computer. Most of stuff that’s linked to the software is tied to emissions regulations.

Jesus christ the tweet was bad enough, but did Planters cut you a check to write this?

He's actually standing in this picture. 

Triple-double? I’m not that impressed, I start every day with a double-double.

Trump is the first politician in a generation to genuinely take an interest in the well-being of rust-belt blue collar workers.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

The early Renaults like the 1900 model you show used a thermosiphonic cooling system; there’s no water pump. Instead, the temperature difference between the hot water in the block and the cold water in the exposed radiator creates enough circulation by convection to transfer the heat.

Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.

It’s funny too, because the end goal doesn’t seem that crazy when it comes to the dealer experience.

Jason, I usually like the stuff you write and it’s mostly smart and funny. But lose the profanity. It doesn’t add a single bit of humor, and it’s no longer shocking or edgy. It’s just a crutch for inadequate writing. You’re much better than that.

My spouse also hated them.  Then she sat in one.  Then we bought one.

I just went through all of this with my son.

Taco Bell will pay for it!

Fallout 4 is excellent, so pttthbbbbb

join the lottery for future Hardrocks.

WHERE IN THE EVERYLOVING FUCK IS COUNTERPART. this is the best goddam show on tv and its not particularly even close.

My brother, who has no idea about the SWU outside of the movies, assumed this took place before Phanton Menace

I don’t know, that seems awfully cheap for a sandwich.

I have to agree I went the Casper route and I just regretted the purchase, I’m a big guy and that mattress was made for people with average weight and height.