We’ll need to start figuring it out
We’ll need to start figuring it out
Probably a set of Truck Nutz too, because he’s pure class like that.
So many times I rode the plane
What a pathetic, egg sucking picture, too. Another face for the oh so punchable gallery.
So keep me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll ignore my hypocrisy
Tell me that you’ll never let me go
‘Cause I’m flyin’ on a private jet plane
Don’t want to pay the gubbiment back again
Please Donald, I don’t want to go
Mr. Shaub, as he so often does with this ethically bankrupt Maladministration, speaks for me here
“It is clear to me that in this case, I was not sensitive enough to my concern for the taxpayer,” Price said.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price “regrets” his frequent and expensive habit for flying on private…
Did you hear her whisper to him to not forget to throw his jacket on the fire at the very end? And what kind of moron puts the gas can under the burn area? I know the answer to this rhetorical question is self-evident in the clip, but come on.
When I was younger, some church organized a book burning near my elementary school. Basically, they bought all of a certain book being sold at the book fair and made a show of burning them along with some records/tapes that they bought from kmart or somewhere. They felt that these books/tapes were not suitable for a…
I mean, jokes and idiot orange presidents aside, that is the ultimate, bare bones, last resort purpose of the 2nd Amendment if enough people feel that the government cannot redress their grievances any longer.
*starts timer*
Forget the racist nickname, I assume he was cool with Dexter Manley, you remember him the illiterate coke head, who played defensive end for the Skins from 81-88. I guess The NFL shoving replacement players down his throat & still charging full price was acceptable to him as well huh? Oh no issues with players…
How long before some dumb white fuck burns down his house in the process, and blames that on the players too?
Nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.
“Highlighting the political nature of this case, the final article of impeachment accused the justice of continually promoting his political agenda on the bench, thereby “tending to prostitute the high judicial character with which he was invested, to the low purpose of an electioneering partizan.”
Just download and re-upload it without sound and title it “Hero takes a stand against racist team name.”
Stupid fan: “I am burning this jersey for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with football, because I am a smart person with good opinions.”
If that weren’t enough, Gorsuch recently traveled to Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home state, for a speech in a building named after the senator on the University of Louisville campus. There, McConnell declared, “President Trump simply could not have made a better nominee.” The two men also spoke…
All of this is making my head hurt, but apparently, it is a thing for right-winged zealots who are so upset that…