Auntie needs to have her legal team call-out hannety, and soon. Surely there is a lawful way to present a lawsuit of some sort for his outrageous and outright lying statements against her this very day.
Auntie needs to have her legal team call-out hannety, and soon. Surely there is a lawful way to present a lawsuit of some sort for his outrageous and outright lying statements against her this very day.
Perhaps you are correct, in that “experience counts” (for good...mostly); however, my inner sense begs for an in-office limit of No More than eight consecutive years, with new campaigns to begin No Sooner than three months prior to an election.
Okay then, perhaps each term might be only three years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms? And, campaigns can only occur(begin) three months prior to elections.
Only in Florida, would your comment drive forever down the road...
Good words, all; it is a shame that the oddity occupying “our” oval office cannot read them, nor would he understand them if someone were to read them to him.
Voting helps, and I sincerely hope for better days ahead.
A Personal Thought:
Having folks in office for what appears to be “lifetime” stints is Wrong. Perhaps we should change the law(rules) such that all duly-elected officials get to serve ONE (singular) 6-year term and then they are OUT-OUT-OUT of that particular office. I’m certain there are many talented graduates both…
I am going to Get Down off my stool and Totally Agree with you and your particular situation. Also, it is perfectly okay to ask for and then pay for one’e own bill, even within a large group of folks.
Now you know that both Serena and Venus were innately world-class talented from the get-go; and no intentional disrespect intended, butt those (younger) Balls just don’t have the “ovaries”...
I don’t mind being “that-person” as I’m good at the-maths; that said, I simply divide the total bill by the number of hairpins and then “that” amount is owed by each...and yes, I understand it might not be totally fair as each hairpin might be more costly than the other, butt-after a few gatherings it works out just…
Just wondering:
(1) Wuh-what? Who calls the cops on a silly burger-absconder?
(2) Why the hell would the police even consider attending, as no “real”crime was in process, nor even expected?
(3) If’n your gonna leave before receiving your bill, why not leave cash in an amount of what you eated - plus a ten-pounder, then…
I also considered the “doing away with excess phat” option, but it might just be “over-kill” especially after all his “good stuff” was borrowed...
Just an Odd Thought:
The moment dolt45 receives word that Cohen is about to cooperate with the feds, may just be the exact time he relieves Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller.