I agree with you (Damon Young), and I would sign a petition to stop the practice of playing and/or singing our national anthem before any indoor or outdoor events, especially sporting events of any sort. Now just for sport, here’s a little history (of which I am certain you are aware).
“The whole idea of an elected mayor as figurehead with an unelected city manager having all the power is completely insane to me. How can that kind of power grab away from the people be legal?”Exactly.
Thank you Jason, I enjoyed reading this piece, and sincerely hope to hear more from you (on this) as well as from Mayor Rufus Davis. Additionally Jason, your television appearances are always worthy and watchable. Thanks again.
Now...right now, might be the time to have someone(anyone) review his (DJ the Jerk’s) personal banking account(s) for generous “new” fundages that obviously have the stench of IQ45 and friends upon them!
Understood (!) :: My only thought was to preclude folks from making government service (especially in a singular position) a lifetime effort. I appreciate those who choose to serve their country, but (just my take) please leave after four or six years, as there shall surely be others angling for that slot.
Yes, I do understand is my response to your second paragraph...now what of making all government positions “Six-Year Elected Positions” with no “appointments” (by anyone) ever? Would that make any sense? And yes, I realize that any changes in this realm of discussion is quite moot; however, I have always disliked…
YIKES (!!!) and okay then...
Just My Take (Obviously):
Six years (maximum) at any appointed or elected federal government position, and you are OUT=OUT=OUT, which (in my opinion) should be the law. Also, four-year terms should be changed to six-year terms and then you are Gone=Gone=Gone! That said, one might seek any other available slot.
I won’t be attending...ever, as I live too far away; that said, I must say I totally enjoyed your words...anyway. Thank you.