That mezuzah is absolutely brilliant
That mezuzah is absolutely brilliant
And another short read: “The campaign to impeach President Trump: A user’s guide” might be essential, as well. Also, I completely agree with your ending statement:
“If Trump goes, we have to find a way for him to take his creepy friend with him”.
Saltines in your kitchen, for sure
But SkyFlakes are so much more pure
Hey Damon Young(dood)
Cream of Wheat is durn good
But grits-n’corn were my childhood
Now grits with sugar NOT - in my ‘hood
Not ever-ever; why, I wouldn’t even if’n I could
That’s right, I have reported (you) to the grocery store manager more than once. If’n your pet is not a Service Animal, then it Does NOT belong inside any grocery store...ever.
For his willful and blatant corruption, he should be forced to repay at least three times the full amount (for his flights) OR $1.65 million (whichever is the higher total), and he then should be flown(kicked) directly out-of-office.
For his willful and blatant corruption, he should be forced to repay at least three times the full amount (for his flights) OR $1.65 million (whichever is the higher total), and he then should be flown(kicked) directly out-of-office.
Hey, he cut-out the first part of that silly video. The part wherein his wife tells him to get rid of all his old stuff that simply would not sell (at any price) during her(his) last three garage sales.
45 has been - is this very day - and will serve throughout history
As the very-worst president to have ever held the office
45(ay) :: Has been(ay)
Is this very day(ay) :: And will serve in history(ay)
As the very-worst president(ay) :: To have ever held the U.S. office(ay)
Suggestion 1:
It might be a bit more sanitary and clearly a lot easier to simply duck-tape a large plastic serving spoon or even a soup ladle encrusted with your pet’s favorite (organic) schmear to the shower or tub wall.Suggestion 2:
In the interest of your pet’s health, never apply peanut butter to any shower or tub…