
Starred for: “unqualified, festering boil on the ass of humanity
...which can also most assuredly be said of 45

Stephen A. Crockett Jr.; I fully understand and appreciate your remarks related to Colin Kaepernick, and I agree with your statement:

Thank you for your response. I would insist on a six-year term in elected or appointed government service; it’s sufficient and can work.

You make an excellent point, and one which might just be resolved by offering a single (six-year) term of official service within each specific elected office.

I cannot disagree with you related to raising money, glad handing, specific vulnerabilities, and possible future job offers; however, perhaps with less proposed time-in-office, these supplications might defeat themselves on their own, as less of that would be necessary, especially if only one six-year term-of-service

Thank you kindly for your remarks - they are appreciated. Just a thought: What if the government set-up, offered, and maintained various college-level classes within our existing institutions befitting specific elected office tasks and responsibilities. Passing said classes might be necessary and essential to even

Why do you think it requires many-many years in office to know how to perform as an elected government official? Noting that if it requires more than a few months to see-through the lobbyist’s and the other oddballs and hairpins, maybe you need not utilize their services OR perhaps you are in the wrong position for

I clearly see your point; and would add that we should agree-to-disagree, forever. My inner (and quite old) sense tells me that a government term limit of six (6) years would be ideal. If you(we,everyone) is concerned about the “back-channel” players, then why not change them as well? We still graduate many-many-many

Clearly, you can vote for whomever you choose. My point: Perhaps limit their time-in-office to a period not exceeding six (6) years.

I was speaking too and about elected or appointed government officials only; and I (still) sense that six (6) years of service in one position would be just fine (in my opinion, only). Obviously, this would not work well (nor at all) within general business-style environments.

I’m going to blame this (loss of jobs) squarely and entirely on 45 (because...the Internet) and I’m also going to submit that each diplomat had at least 5 (five) worker-bee assistants (and such), which leads to a total job loss of (say) 3,775 (American workers) based solely on one person. Thanks 45.

Please re-read my original comment, and notice that
I Never said nor intimated: “Politicians = Bad!
Many elected officials are quite excellent
But (in my opinion) they should be
Limited to six years of service
Thanks for your response

I was simply referring to “elected” (government) office (clearly not teachers, police-folk, and/or others who desire to serve for the good of everyone). You might take note of the fact that many-many-many very competent and most-thoughtful youngsters graduate Every Year...and some might even yearn for public service,

I agree with your “term limits” statement, and have always thought that the rules and/or regulations should be revised: Six (6) years maximum when a person (or otherwise) is voted (by the people) OR appointed into any office within the U.S. Government. Six years and you’re out-Out-OUT (!).
[You can try for another

Auntie M :: And please, we really need(require)(must have) more of these!
Your most-excellent tweets.

I don’t much care who does it OR even how it happens, but this country must soon spit-up and cough-out the pulmonary surfactant (phlegm) contaminating the White House and its environs. 45 and his entire family, plus all of his appointees, including that squish O’Pence must be flushed from human memory before we are