
Every time I see Jefferson Beauregard Sessions on TV it makes me cringe, markedly. Because when he speaks he tends to spin his head around so that he can more easily display his (obviously) psychotic grin to the cameras. I get the distinct impression that he just emerged from a nearby cloak room wherein he neatly

Simply because it was all (and the best) I could locate and modify with him(45) shooting something (himself). Also, thanks for catching the reference!

I (for one) do not want impeachment of 45. I wish all of them (45 himself, his entire family, his second, third, and fourth in command, plus all of his appointees) are forced to resign - immediately!

A checkbook’s NOT gonna cut it, because the good Dr. Dao should accept nothing less then a wire transfer for the significant fundage headed his way.

Wonderful and remarkable
Does not even begin to properly phrase
What his memory and his inate abilities can accomplish
I find it just a little bit more than amazing and astounding
And thank you so very much for being :::: Stephen Wiltshire

Take your rest now kind Kyle
We’ll all be waiting here awhile

...and I suspect this is not an April’s Fools Day prank (?)

You may have missed Ivanka Marie Trump (daughter of 45 and it), an obvious socialite who is currently employed (albeit for zero dollars) as an Assistant to 45. You might be able to run-down some few bits about her on the Internet.

Hello Dodai Stewart (the EIC, or the Earned Income Credit specialist, who may or may not actually represent the damned IRS). This province of the-kinja seems quite interesting, and current, and fusion(ish)...I shall visit awhile (if you will-butt allow). Also, greetings to Jorge, Nidhi, Katie, Charles, Ashley, Jack,

I watched Maxine Waters on the Chris Hayes show yesterday (Tuesday 28 March 2017) and she made me smile, bigly, very-very bigly.
Thank you, Maxine Waters.

Thank you for being Ebony Banks. You shall be in my heart forever...

It’s totally un-understandable that ivankaT is resident in the White House, at all, in any position. Since he(it-djt) is directly on-course and fully in-line to become the absolute worst (fake)president of these United States of all time. The sooner he is ousted (by whatever means) along with ALL of his family members

Thank you EBT5, for all of this! Especially, for the really-dumb and totally un-understandable daughter business. He(it-djt) is directly on-course and fully in-line to become the absolute worst (fake)president of the U.S. of all time. The sooner he is ousted (by whatever means) along with ALL of his family members AND

Reviewing the full report (in pdf format), it’s apparent (to me at least) that this material is contained in some type of database with input from various computers at several locations...in short, this report was not created by-hand. Just sayin’ - there also seems to be a decent amount of “collusion” between

Auntie “Fee” didn’t charge no fee
You see - she was duh “Fee”
She be the “Fee” you see
Come on ovah heah see
Set yo-ass down
Diss here be
Foh duh kids
Be free in
Peace now

Sadly I was unable to watch your linked video; all I ever got to see(view) was a black rectangle with a rotating white-tailed arrow in the center of the blackness...

You did not know me Naika, but please know that I loved you then, and I love you now, just as I shall always love you, sweet Naika...