

Might it be possible for you to share your Excel-Oh-Magic with us, OR is that simply not allowed within the-kinja? Thank you most kindly for anything you might foist upon us (all).

My only answer for a decent career path is to become Accountant; you can work for a large firm, or for a small business, or you might even choose to work from home. Note that this career will always be “in-style” AND “in-demand” until we run out of numbers. Also the answers are always right or they are wrong, not like


A Question-Of-Lego
I have never Lego(ed) so I really don’t know; do folks “play” Lego OR do they simply “stick-them-together” in some specific-shape-format and then they (the Lego) stay that way forever?

Thank you (Shep!) for the update

Thank you (Shep!) for the update

Hello Shep McAllister of the Commerce Team:
The link you provided does not include all three items you detailed...
So = What’s Up (???)

Hello Shep McAllister of the Commerce Team:
The link you provided does not include all three items you detailed...

If one could coalesce all of the evil that ever existed OR will ever exist, it would most certainly manifest itself as this ugly-ass sub-human creature.

Yes, I enjoyed him as well, and he seemed most pleasant, indeed.

Your mom and my mom had to have been identical twin sisters...

I loved it - and watched it twice...even!

Sadly, this situation sounds/seems much more dangerous then what they are relating, what with the possibility of flying glass shards to the eye-bones. Use great care my (Internet) friends...(that's right...I have no real-life friends).

Hello Emma Golddigger: I'll be GooglingThat directly...and hope to find some decent coursework soon(ish)...and:

Earlier this day I was forced to admit that I did not know that AMA stood for Ask Me Anything. Now, I don't understand your phrase "Let's all pour out a 40 of bronzer in sympathy"...I may need to re-take that online course "Odd English Phraseologyotics".

Denice Brown: And it appears to be a custom color as well, because it's not a standard color (!).