
it’s important to note every hateful son of a bitch calling a radio show down here begins it the same way. regardless of how hateful the rant may be, it always begins with “hey how ya’ll doing tonight? good good me too...hey i just have a couple of words for...”

step one: open door
step two: blast room with piss
step three: GTFO

LOL you’re killing me. My wife made that same Tyra/Dobbs joke last year and I fucking lost it.

Dobbs will always be my #2 favorite qb behind Peyton. Tee frustrated the fuck out of me and then shit the bed against arkansas his senior year...so Dobbs slots in behind the forehead.

how did butch let kamara sit behind hurd? why did colton jumper continue to get starts? so many weird personnel choices, so many

somebody has to figure out how to retain some of those top 15 classes. i don’t care so much about the win loss record next year or the year after. fuck it this shit can’t get any worse, take your time and build it right. make sure you get 20 out of your 25 guys through four years of school unless they go in the draft

It’s going to suck for a while anyway. We need a guy the fans will get behind, and we need a guy who knows how to connect with kids. I’m not going to complain about whoever gets the job, because it won’t be Schiano.

i had a college roommate who played LT for memphis in the 90's. his fingers were all beat up from getting in fights and i asked him about it one time. he said it was as hard to avoid as it is to fall on a fumble instead of going for the scoop and score. also he didn’t think face masks really did much to prevent head

we’re talking about schiano getting a pass...why can’t kippy brown, tee martin, terry fair, or any other man who happens to be “not white” just get a fair fucking shake from tennessee? we need a completely transparent, cynical, still works regardless of that shit, minority-first hiring policy like the rooney rule. i’m

it’s to be expected. the real jimmy hyams is also full of shit.

jesus fucking christ skyline chili is disgusting ass juice with some shitty shredded bullshit cheese on top. fuck that restaurant and the whole stupid fucking shithole society that berthed that piece of gastric terrorism.

thought he was headed to florida. thank goodness he’s headed out west.

i moved out of my genesis-only phase and into my dead-only phase. with a brief stop at zeppelin-only, of course.

funny story...i read this story this morning while sitting in my parents house. i only go home once a year and here i was, sucking it up so my kids could see the grandparents. two hours later we are outside...i’m on my knees playing with my son and my cousin’s dog...my dad shoves me to the ground from behind. i fell

If you’re unfamiliar with the situation, my parents are fundamentalist Christians who kicked me out of their house and cut me off financially when I was 19 because I refused to attend seven hours of church a week.

there are ads on this page? darn i must have configured my browser to drop that content. oops.

i’m not trying to hear this shit. my kids like it and my parents like it. that means i can turn it on and get some motherfucking peace for three hours.

that pissing match generated pissing matches on a macro level...i remember seeing more than one argument erupt over “well...they should stretch it out to 14 days if you really want to do it right...” “NO STUPID there are 365 days in a year” “WELL HOW MANY DAYS ARE LEFT IN YOUR LIFE?!?!”

what was your screen name? were you around for the “cretains” rant, or the big hat thread? how about “eric berry is in my girlfriends dorm room”? i’ve been around since maybe 2002, but i didn’t pay the message board much attention until 2005 went shitty. since then it’s just been a downward spiral.

TLDR; being a tennessee fan is the worst. i haven’t put this many words together in one sitting in a long time...i apologize for the length and my shitty writing. i just feel like this needs to be shared, lol.

We have been given the gift of powerful voices