May have broken my index finger starring this. I hope that helps.
May have broken my index finger starring this. I hope that helps.
jesus fucking christ.
i enjoyed 2006-2012 as much as any period of cycling i’ve watched, going back to lemond in 86. contador vs. the schlecks in the alps in 2011 was so good. cancellara was an incredible rider capable of detonating an elite group from far out. tony martin, cadel evans, wiggins...there was some good dudes to watch.
in that segment they show Cancellara vs. Boonen at flanders in 2010. odd, because Boonen said he cramped up when he got dropped that day. frankly Spartacus put more power down on the road that day than he did a week later at P-R.
some of my non-white coworkers have used the greek system to their extreme advantage, and my organization is better for it. i’m in the same boat, i was the first to go to college in my family and the greek system helped me connect to folks in my industry. at the same time i don’t want my kids to go greek, they don’t…
didn’t read shit, i just looked at the picture and hit the star real fucking hard. i’m just gonna sit here and do the tootsie roll for a minute, bookmark this and come back after i put the bubbler down.
i can’t imagine what you have experienced during your injury and recovery.
goddammit rand paul also uses his compost bin to terrorize his neighbors. FUCK there goes one of my favorite pasttimes.
i’ve got nothing but respect for anyone who can push it that far.
the problem is scumbags want to see it.
i remember them talking about this on top gear a few years ago...seems like folks were going in before hand and burying extra beer like they were fucking squirrels.
sure, 20 years later i am. at that age i was just good at being a jackass.
the only class outside english, rudimentary math and science that you had to pass to graduate from my high school was economics. in reality the class was taught by our football team’s 55 year old defensive coordinator, who really didn’t give a fuck.
very well said. much better than i did. and there’s no shame in 40 miles a week. i think that is just enough to let you know how mortal you are, and how some of these folks are almost a different breed.
absolutely not...i would kill to run 40 miles a week.
i went 15:40 in a 5k once and i couldn’t have held 90% of that pace for 10k. i seriously don’t know how you ever build the aerobic base to beast the fuck out like these folks do.
the summer before my sophomore year in college i was training super hard, thinking of transferring into a rinky-dink cross country program. it wouldn’t have paid for school but i was lucky to be offered in the first place. the night before the half marathon i had pegged as my mid-summer peak, i stepped off my best…
fuck it i’m ready to fight.
It’s sad how deep into running you need to be to truly appreciate this sort of effort. Anybody on the couch can say “fuck that’s crazy” but unless you’re on the road 40 miles a week you’re probably not capable of understanding how much everything hurts sometimes. And at 40 miles a week you’re lower than whale shit on…
shit, okay so not my hottest take. but you know what i long as he does %whatever the fuck his function is% he’ll be on a roster.