You’re an idiot
You’re an idiot
You’re an idiot
You’re an idiot
Not sure about you but I’m in Canada and the game is 79.99$+tax which come to 100$ already. If you want the deluxe edition it’s 99.99$+Tax and then you have to deal with loot crates after to unlock the rest of the game.
Personally I don’t have 100$ to spent on battlefront 2 just so everyone else who can spend more can…
Actually either way would make them a predator. Showing someone your naked body when they haven’t asked is sexual harassment. Begging to see someone’s naked body when they’re obviously uncomfortable is sexual harassment.
I should be upset about how few dudes here seem to get that, but tragically in gaming communities…
I know, but we shouldn’t have to do that when we WANT to buy it.
Amazigmao got robbed.
ITS limp body
I’d rather just play Ghost Trick again.
I used to have a friend in a text based MMO that we played together who created small memorials for her cats in-game. She said it made her feel better to know there was a digital version of her cats “somewhere” out there. Unfortunately she passed away about 18 months ago now from ALS. I hope she and her cats are…
I actually regularly revisit my 3DS Nintendogs + Cats because the day after I had to put my cat to sleep due to cancer, I went into the game and created a version of him. Orange tabby named Tiger, complete with the same black collar my Tiger used to wear. I never make “monuments” to people/animals within games but I…
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if he beats the Orphen of Kos this way his body would crumble and his soul would ascend to the realm of the dance gods
Pokémon games area all about... the fist-place time for beating the game... is an entirely different animal then the rest...
It was very sad, but truly, it was the best online experience I ever had. Nothing comes even close to it. I mean, I’ve met some awesome people playing online, but the bond I created with Chris and Kevin was just just magical. It’ll be something I cherish forever.
One of my favorite online experiences was meeting 2 guys on Xbox LIVE when Halo 3 initially came out. We just randomly got hooked up in a team match online and all chatted. It was me, a 25-year-old from South Carolina, a 23-year-old Canadian, and a 12-year-old from Texas.
> In Final Fantasy VII you will go snowboarding, memorize military march choreography, dress up like a sailor, and have disturbing encounters with burly men at a seedy brothel.
I remember LA Noire. My wife loved playing it, I wish there were more games of its ilk out there for her to play. SHe’s gone through Heavy Rain and has no interest in the Phoenix Wright games (I’ve played all English releases sans the latest one.)
Its basically Woody fantasizing about how life could have been, since Andy (somewhat accidentally) gave all his toys to the little girl at the end of Toy Story 3 when he went off to college.
That is true, it’s a tough tradeoff
But not his voice.... Thankfully I can use Japanese audio now