
A few threads up argued this post is a pretty big spoiler... then you purposefully and unnecessarily drop the biggest spoiler of all right in the comments? Lol wtf dude?

If you want another few sleepless nights, check out 999/Virtue’s Last Reward when you’re done.

I’m guessing this person has already played the game.

Replying to say “Got ‘em” and that’s one hell of a name.

I’m just going to leave this here...

yeah, likely. sadly makeing a “good” game costs cash and takes time, the label probably wants this out cheap and while nikki is still highly popular(though i expect her to be big for a while, she seems to be in control of her niche pretty well). but to indulge the fantasy of them caring and nikki being directly

you know,she is weird enough id expect her to make a whacked out “blood dragon” style weird but good real game. as opposed to kardassians silly bit of fluff. she has mentioned being influenced by anime and manga before so she probably speaks the visual language of good games. so if she got a real dev like wayforward

Hopefully it’s because everyone’s joining the FFXIV hype train! Easily my favorite MMO ever.

I chose shooting Star Kid in the face.

Nah, you’re good. People will think Violet Parr from “The Incredibles”, and Violet Baudelaire from the “Lemony Snickett” books.

- You mentioned cultural norms or referenced Japanese culture for backing the excuse. But as soon as you allow fiction and non-fiction to merge, you’ve knocked down all walls. It’s that simple.

Er, I believe it’s actually in reference to food products containing “horse meat” and being sold without acknowledgement (see here).

I’m a man who crochets, I just finished a baby blanket in 2 nights for my impending nephew.

As a 27 year old, I just recently picked up crocheting, and I’ll admit, it can be rather relaxing! :)

R.I.P. Very apparent that these people cared about him a great deal. He spent his life doing whatever he could to fight a real-world evil. That’s bravery.

I hate fake geek boys

About 80 solid hours 55 on my first run through and a few more on the subsequent ones which go by really fast.

Yeah, we need about six thousand more GTAV articles. C’mon, O’Malley. Make with the vidya.

They made Revelations 2...

I remember very early in my years leading to my move to Japan, my friend Akihiro came to America to visit me and sight see. His English is also fantastic, although his pronunciation is rather Japanese. While we were shopping at a grocery store, he looked at me and asked, “Where is the Penis Cream?” My jaw dropped,