
Oh, I know. I just needed a little nudge to buy them, I don't mind paying indie devs for their stuff.

the mark hunting quest I FFXII was the best thing about the game and why it's my favorite...a whole game deficated to hunting marks? Sold

Horses shit so it's both realistic and fits in with Kojima's weird propensity for potty humor.

ME TOO. I actually get annoyed when people talk about 2048 and I can't stop myself.

Except that he clearly is not.

Well, soon the dog and the burglars can settle their differences over a game of Evolve, all thanks to Aaron Poul.

Well Partricia, by looking in the comments I think you can see why there's much focus on male protagonists verses female protagonists. The industry is filled ass***** who feel there doesn't need to be a change in diversity. It's unfortunate.

Your posts are so painful to read. Learn how to use a god damn ellipsis properly.

My opinion is my opinion. Minority or otherwise. I'll hold fast to it.


The series has always been about Lara. Letting the player play as another character doesn't make sense. What bitching are you talking about, anyway? She was tortured, stabbed, etc... wouldn't you be in a bit of a bad mood too?

I'm the same; I typically run through the campaign in a week and then never touch another game in the series for years. I find it is better that way.

that damn Q button on the pc always throw me off and make me mash E button instead

Dear Telltale: Between The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, you are officially overdoing it with the "Make players mash the "A" button but make it so they can't succeed then bail them out with a scripted event" trick. It was fun the first time, but it's gotten to the point where I just kind of give up because I

Nerds/geeks won, but you know what the problem is? People like the ones that responded to you bitching that the mainstream has "co-opted" their form of entertainment. The problem with nerds & geeks - and I speak from experience - is that a lot of them actually like being outcasts. They take pride in it. That's not a

The amount of homophobia in these comments is beyond sad.

You should go to "Fox News Videogames" We´ll miss you. Well, not really.

You could just take your bigot ass somewhere else, we wont miss you.

Don't you love how a bunch of straight males are telling you how they totally pretend all the time in an industry that treats them as the default audience and therefore you can totally just deal with pretending you're one of them?