
Absolutely non essential, it’s a prequel to the first game. It’s good fun if you get the chance to play it but you don’t need to feel like you’ve missed some sort of plot bridging by not playing it before 2.

Absolutely non essential, it’s a prequel to the first game. It’s good fun if you get the chance to play it but you

RRP for ‘triple A’ games here in the UK is £55 now so I laugh when people say ‘but they’re still $60!’. We have actual experience of games rising in price AND having this lootbox crap in them and the whole thing feels like a pisstake.

Every time I need to install ME1's DLC on my Steam copy I have to contact EA customer services to get a new CD key. I mean really. As far as I know it comes as part of every PC copy but still has an out of date CD key...

It’s - incredibly - easy to pirate the DLC for both DA1/2 and the ME trilogy, there’s some very good simple installer bundles with all DLCs and preorder bonus shite. Or so I’ve heard from a friend.

I feel like we’re in a minority in that we care about the modern day stuff. I always looked forward to them as little breaks and as a narrative reason for ‘why’ we’re even doing this history stuff.

Oh man oh man oh man I’m so excited. So so excited. Honestly, the plot, levelling system and combat could be absolute shite and I’d still be excited for virtual Egypt. The fact that the general consensus seems to be ‘yeah it’s not groundbreaking but it’s not offensively dull’ is just icing really.

Easy answer: whoever you click with the most. No waifu wars needed.

Saw and bought some of these in London Chinatown months ago so not sure if they’re still there. I remember the Jigglypuff one being lush. Peach I think?

Aw man, now I’ll have to sign up to Kickstarter and put my card deets on there too (I’m so lazy).

Oh my god that discovery tour I am so happy ;-;

Liam is such an absolute darling and so fun to watch. Even when he doesn’t do so good he bounces back with something that looks lovely and he’s so good with flavours. I would love to have dinner with his family!

I’m incredibly glad they mostly come out on Steam now. I have a friend with an Xbone and he offers me the PC keys for play anywhere but after a hell of a time trying to get Quantum Break to work I just buy them myself now. I eventually got QB on Steam and it ran far better than it did before...

Meanwhile here in Britain any mention of a Toblerone now will start a riot.

I’ve been ill off work all week and wanted something comforting and familiar, saw The Ezio Collection on sale for £15 on psn and thought fuck it, why not? It’s been years since I’ve played AC2 and it still holds up well today. I forgot how likable the cast was. It also reminded me to preorder Origins now (I don’t even

I still demand that all games with laser sights have colour change options. My best friend growing up is slightly colour blind and whilst it didn’t completely ruin his gaming experience there’s a lot of little things that make it harder. Red laser sights are so hard for him to see, especially on brown games. I applaud

I think this one would be a great addition to the Switch library since it wasn’t on a Nintendo system before. And if these things sell well on the Switch then it shows there’s an audience for them and Switch ports of big multiplat games will be more common.

Then you have stuff like Dark Souls 1, which would render entire towns you only see from far away, and it would always be rendered no matter what you’re doing. No wonder it ran like shit at times. It’s actually really fascinating how detailed the out of boundary stuff is tbh.

What in God’s name have they done to my darling Frank? This isn’t him. Where’s my chubby hairy photographer dork gone and who is this bland stand-in?

Could be worse, we’ve had a couple of games outright banned in the UK as recently as the PS2 era and the Aussies didn’t even have anything higher than 15 not long ago so a lot of stuff was either heavily censored or just not released. I think it’s getting a little better in general though.

I listen to dozens of ASMR vids on YouTube a day when gaming and those fucking, FUCKING adverts are on all the time. I enjoyed FF15. The advert spam for that ridiculous mobile game has made me loath it. I hate the music, and that was one of my favourite FF OSTs. They are insulting and cringe and loud. I’m usually a