
See also how I found the Hannibal TV show wonderfully campy at times precisely because it was so over the top, and Bryan Fuller knew it was over the top, and still wanted it to be sincere and straight-faced. The excess + seriousness was the point which helped make it tragic and operatic and campy at the same time. You

I agree. I think the Sontag essay explains the idea of it well, but she got the limitations on it wrong and hardly acknowledges gay culture. However Elvis and Priscilla’s idea of glamour and wealth is naively tacky, like Graceland. Collins look is literally Priscilla Presley.

the 19th clown exits the car

Camp is not a time, a place, a person, or an institution...

No one on the face of the earth is every going to care what you think about anything. 

I honestly hope you get hit by a car. 

We are about to eat our candidates again.

The idea that someone who describes themselves as “Staff writer, mint chocolate hater” going after someone for being “smart and quirky!” is mildly amusing.

Dude, what the hell? Did Buttigieg kill your puppy? If you’re trying to pull a hit piece on this guy you’re not doing a very good job. Then again I’m part of the problem since I clicked on this awful click bait title.

It’s pretty common for small towns to have both a mayor and a city administrator or manager. The position of mayor is held by one of the city council members on a rotating basis, and is usually mostly just a figurehead and the one who calls meetings to order. The administrator is a professional hired for the job and do

You want to have authority respected? How about authority respects the law... how ‘bout that!?

I grew up in Montana and yeah. Our town had maybe 4 black locals one was the principal of the local high school, his wife and his two kids who I went to schools with at the same time. It was a college town so there were a few people of color who came through but not permanent residents. Anyway it really was like South

But will swear the 1st, 2nd and 3rd amendments apply to EVERY situation... 

That was awesome. It could have been even better is she didn’t spend so much time explaining herself and started yelling “goodbye” over their rationalizations a little sooner.

Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you can’t even imagine someone genuinely disliking Seth Rogen.

Man, if someone had just told the alt-right that oxygen supported Obama, they would have ceased breathing just to “own the libs.”


“I’ll take ‘Bad Faith Responses’ for $800, Alex.”

Y’know, I’m starting to think us white men might have it just a leeeeeetle easier than everyone else.

It’s not “fuck you, I never have to work money”, but it’s pretty obviously “fuck you, I can do whatever job I want now” money.