Ok but what has that got to do with the kind of workers we’re talking about here, who are facing stagnant wages and have to take second jobs to even be able to pay the high deductibles on those benefits you are seeing fit to crow about?
Ok but what has that got to do with the kind of workers we’re talking about here, who are facing stagnant wages and have to take second jobs to even be able to pay the high deductibles on those benefits you are seeing fit to crow about?
He’s following Rei Kawakubo’s and Molly Goddard’s lead here and he’s not alone. The latter’s influence has been especially huge the past couple of seasons.
10 percent is not the “going rate”. It’s something that other golfers have chosen to do but have NOT written into agreements or offers to caddies from the BEGINNING.
Because Jezebel is the land of the teenage editor.
How is having a boy/girl friend sexualizing? Little kids do it all the time and no one imagines they’re having sex, or even thinking about sex.
Disney is ruining everything it touches lately.
“And just because your neighbors voted in religious zealots, it doesn’t mean they get to impose laws based on religion. The constitution says no to that... “
Twas ever thus.
Oh, my god, it’s becoming a universal problem, especially if you’re a gay man d’un certain age. Anyone interesting? Has got a man at home and likely a side piece (I’m not playing the word games with this stuff, no judgement but I ain’t doing it) and they don’t mention it until, like, the second or third time you talk,…
Seriously, we don’t give a shit, lol.
If I’m the only one using or even touching my phone, what difference does it make?
Sounds like a sop to shut people up.
The problem is that just because someone wants to fuck you and you’re horny, doesn’t mean your emotions turn off.
A ‘ho.
The thing is...it DOES sound like Harley’s song.
The Niney version is one you could show in a modern classroom. The Ulliel version is the one that’s like “Emanuelle XII: Haute Couture Homos”.
Yeah, that’s nice but, the point is to make something that is close to, if not a complete match to movie theatre popcorn.
Yeah, that’s nice but, the point is to make something that is close to, if not a complete match to movie theatre…
I found one in my local library (not blue-ray, of course, but uncut and on dvd, it was hella old looking) and I was thisclose to stealing the thing.