
You’re missing my point. On purpose.

And who made Ellen, Glenda Good Witch of the Gays, anyway?

To Louis CK:

No offense, I know you mean well but, neither Twitter nor Jezebel is the “feminist vanguard” and I think you know that.

How is this craven motherfucker still working in public service and not as a used yacht salesman?

It’s a blind spot that you jumped up and attributed to “First World Feminists”. On a site with multiple women of color from various backgrounds, including at least one Muslim, working as editors. Who routinely write about those issues.

You know there’s a part of your personal kinja dashboard where you can post articles and make your own reporting if you want?

Your not believing it is fine. You do you.

You can’t apologize two seconds after saying “I don’t give a shit, fuck your feelings.” and have it be believable.

Too late.  Let him just ride it out at this point.

And let’s not forget his “Cowboys and Indians” fuck up.

Exactly where I am about his “apology” tour.

Good job, Florida!

“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about.” - Nov. 2, 2008, while running for president,

OR it’s a lot of white viewers of the series who never heard his music except maybe “I believe I can fly”.

Here’s the thing: If someone has already subscribed to a streaming service, for them, it’s a sunk cost. So if they listen to R. Kelly, they see it as just another song they want to hear and don’t necessarily connect it to the artist making money in the same way as if they went out and had to buy a single or even buy a

They used the Dalkon Shield for years. And the side effects weren’t seen for years. Now imagine if there had been no record-keeping, no regulation, no oversight of the makers.

It’s fine to look to science for an answer.

That is the stupidest thing I’ve seen written on this subject so far.

Because we say it is.