
Their desire is fine.

I’m with you on this for just that reason.

Imagine if you made a lick of sense.

You know how you stop this from happening again?

I wonder if she was up for...Aquaman?

Which is why skin forms on cups of tea in London.

How is explaining yourself ever a bad thing, if it’s done sincerely and not trying to excuse yourself from blame?

Did he ask for one? He hasn’t got any product coming out and there’s no reason for him to be this loud about it. He could have written something middling and insincere to just get himself removed from the collab drama but he didn’t.

I took it as “I acknowledge what you said, thank you.”



Cashed that check, though, didn’t you, Emma?



Price transparency doesn’t mean shit when it’s a necessary procedure and there is no real price difference between care-providers, with them all being $20,000 and up.

And if I were any of those celebs, I’d be telling them off on social media for trying to use me, without compensation, to help sell their crapola.

But many social media users  assholes with nothing better to do, ratted the guy out when they noticed that the tweet had been sent from an iPhone and realized they could start shit and hurt someone for funsies.

And English paper (hell, any paper anywhere in the world) give up a chance to talk shit and gossip, even at the expense of a recently deceased person?

Kid Fury on The Read said it perfectly: White gays don’t give a shit about black LGBTQs, let alone black people, unless they’re trying to fuck us.

Man, fuck that guy. And Don Lemon’s no bargain either.