
It’s almost as if an English paper only reported on the death of non-famous American because they were part of a juicy scandal the English paper can use to get attention.

Unless you do something of note.

The headline they used on her obit was insulting as fuck.

The key thing I wrote was “If you’re into virgins...”

A community built not on a paid platform. But one provided at the discretion of the owner or corporation who made the thing.

Some of it is.

Both the Presidents she mentioned made pragmatic decisions based on the context of the times and history at their moment, in which they did something they would have not wanted to do before in order to forestall or prevent the kind of damage to institutions and democracy that happened or could have happened.

So, basically, this whole series of articles is your passive aggressive anger at the readership coming out to play?

With respect, you’re confusing conservative MRA neckbeard anti-Anita Sarkeesian Pick-up Artist types with conservative overbearingly religious (usually evangelical Christians) males.

The only men who don’t want porn are conservative religious ones.

So what?

An over the hill virgin is not what anyone really wants.


Shabby chic with mid-century modern and whimsical touches makes me want to VOMIT.

This is what you would get being a live-in servant or member of staff nowadays, with all those hats being worn at once. Here, the difference is you get a change of people constantly.

There are plenty of crunchy granola “off the grid” YOLO types, with lots of skillsets (purchased at their parents expense or due to an inability to make up their minds) who will leave their tiny house, pack up the ukelele and line up to apply for this job.

A tale as old as time...about two verifiably selfish and plainly awful people who leave a trail of unhappiness wherever they go, including their own children and grandchildren’s lives.

That’s nice. 

Nas is too busy dealing with Kelis to be on this show.

Oh, no.