
Those dogs are wondering where the fuck their butler disappeared to and why they’re expected to run and play on a lawn less than majestically spread out.

On the one hand, after seeing Richard Simmons’ life put on display by podcasters “concerned” about him disappearing, I’m going to be a little suspicious of motives here.

The cops had a hard-on for this guy because they’ve likely dealt with him before. So they feel justified in using these invasive extreme and, frankly, unbelievably unnecessary, means.

Your boy is a rapist. That’s what everyone but you will call him.

He’s a rapist that everyone will remember as a rapist because he RAPED.

You like the cool marble now.  Wait until it’s below zero and you take it out of your pocket with your gloves off because you came indoors and forgot about the cool marble.

You like the cool marble now.  Wait until it’s below zero and you take it out of your pocket with your gloves off

Greta van Fleet...

No, they’re serious.  

You like what you like, don’t ask others opinion unless you sincerely want it.

I did actually, I misremembered what he had said.

Oh! You’re right.

The whole “Jews rule the world” thing has always annoyed the fuck out of me.  If that was true, Israel wouldn’t be a shit hole, they’d have exerted their influence, gotten rid of the Palestinian “problem” and would be a Jewish utopia of power and influence that no one could question. You know, like America did for

The one from Grease.

I don’t care if she flexes her whistle register.

The most important thing is that two rapists are outed again and people are reminded of why it had to happen again even after already being reported.

So you’re a racist and an antisemite. Thanks for telling us, dumbass.

It’s above Denmark. It’s above Israel. It’s above Finland. And just about every South American and other African economy. It’s also one of the leading oil producers and it’s GDP TRIPLED from 2000 to 2012.

They’re just a bunch of high yellow office worker eunuchs!

You know I still use that line?

Tony Perkins calling for “mother” realness.