
I was just thinking about that, too.

Thank you for remembering that bit of fuckery by Labrie, I’d forgotten.

Maybe a sharp-eyed airport employee saw Nyle’s dick taking up a lot of room in his pants and figured he shouldn’t have to limp his way to his Uber?

Big personality. Can act. Is funny. Super recognizable star that is even bigger in foreign markets than even in America where is a major star.

I am seriously hoping it won’t make a dime but I already know it will be a blockbuster, especially overseas where Will Smith is even huger than in America, where is a major star.

I just wrote that, too, before I saw your comment!

Ohhhh, noooooo, not after his now somewhat forgotten racist outburst. the movie she showed a girl how to read a book! In public!

Eve Arden was the BOMB.

Well, I certainly did not expect him to look like a cross between a cliché Party City Halloween costume “harem slave girl”, Tuptim from “The King and I” and, Malcolm X.

She thinks because I occasionally comment on her more unbelievably wrong-headed comments from time to time, that I have a vendetta against not just her, but black people and women in general, because, although I’ve always identified myself clearly as a black gay man, being a gay man means I’m more likely to be

Your strawmanning and disingenuous reductive argument is tiresome and false.

Can you name ONE rich OR powerful black majority country?

Black folks are human and humans are messy.

The Epstein thing, however, puts her right in the hot seat as a pedo-enabler.  His “assistants” pimped for him and it’s documented.

The word you’re looking for is “creepy” and “enabling”.

And Strom Thurmond had a black mistress and and illegitimate daughter while actively pursuing a white supremacist agenda in public policy for decades.

That priest should have caught a beating for that.

Ain’t nobody doing all that.

I love how she showed her and Trump’s allegiance to Putin in one holiday snap.