
It’s what god intended.

Leave me and my family out of this, motherfucker.”

He’s a Republican.

Soooo...they shouldn’t mention her not knowing her father, which might explain her relationship with Eastwood in some ways, but they should mention that her abortions and sterilizations were due to Eastwood.

The poster girls of privilege want us to know that they have product dropping and can we all PLEASE pay attention to them because “women” or “girls” or something.

Says the commenter named “Jag”.

Did I stutter?

Basically, this is performative moral outrage (virtue signaling, lol) by the GOP for their anti-choice constituents and nothing more.

Well, if that’s true, then good for them.

Given incidents that have happened, including ones where a threat was ignored or downplayed, involving mass killing gun violence, what you’re saying is singularly illogical and kind of...well...dumb.  

I wish you’d lived in the 70s as I did. Bomb threats were a weekly occurance throughout the country for YEARS. And, yes, it was taken seriously. Not because we were dumb. But because we had seen things blow up.

I like to call that sort of thing, “Mad White”.  

I hope he saved his money.  If he’s lucky, he’ll be the Joey Fatone of One Direction.  The one who golfs and really does fuck all while all his group mates each flame out and waste millions trying to be superstars (with the exception of the one standout who actually does succeed to some degree), and, later in life has

EDM poet-actor” isn’t a profession or descriptive of anything that makes a lick of damn sense. It’s like saying you “toaster strawberry spelunk” for a living.

It isn’t for everyone. No biggie.

I honestly don’t care about these people using a free social media base for profit.

We could afford to be dumb. Be grateful and don’t feel bad about it, feel bad that Copeny’s had to.

They’re all doing an imaginary American Idol style fight for Ann Coulter’s empty crown as Queen Of Hot Take Trolling.

Barbie Glam Getaway Traphouse

Now playing

Old meme because this lying fool doesn’t deserve a fresh comment.