
The show went on to long after the Will They/Won’t They got resolved.

She would have been cheated if she’d gone through with it because I remember the show and it’s in syndication if you don’t believe me, it was HORRIBLE. Christine Baranski was the ONLY saving grace.

As Project Coordinator for BDRC, Jacob Anderson is responsible for creating and maintaining documentation related to construction progress, organization and archiving of critical project data, market research and event coordination.”--

I wonder if the owners are relatives or friends of his family?

He’s a disgusting rapist who got off easy for various reasons but why shouldn’t he receive his degree if he earned it?


If your song sounds so much like a previous more famous one that nearly anyone listening to it will say, “Hey, isn’t that. song xyz?” then you pay off the creator of the more famous song by giving them a credit as a writer and move on.

I say none of it is surprising because our current existence is defined by human suffering and misery, and it’s more comforting to look towards the past and remind yourself of pleasant childhood memories.

Shoulda taken a lesson from fellow classic song magician, Mark Ronson: Give’em some money and a credit to shut up and manipulate to your hearts content.

My point is that every system has its problems and limitations.

I liked it when it was remade as “National Lampoon: The Rise of Taj”.

You wrote exactly what I tried and failed to write.  EXACTLY. Thank you.

I won’t lie, the trailer turned me off. An unlikeable character in a modern day America hellscape of lost opportunity and hope surrounded by brown people menacingly displaying gang tattoos, automatic weapons and, a stunning lack of long-sleeved garments?

So either you’re sniping because no one can debate you on whatever stupidity your home country engages in or your call is coming from inside of the house, as the kids say, and you somehow think you’re free of the stink you want to put on everybody else.

This sounds stupid.

Alpha types like Bowlen never want to relinquish control of anything. He controlled the team. He controlled the families he made. If anyone tried to strike out on their own, he would retaliate. And he always dangled ownership over the heads of his favorites to keep them in line while making sure his lesser-liked

I hate owners so I’m content to see all these people suffer for as long as possible.

Which is why, having not seen the film as you have been able to, I specifically referenced what is available to see right now, the trailer.