Garfield and Ora, eh?
Garfield and Ora, eh?
You just stop it, mister.
I’ve wanted to hope for the best for so long about people with negative thoughts and views. And, you’re right, people can and do change.
Where’s he been? Why no new material in awhile? Or did I just miss it by being old and out of touch?
If it had been in Dirt Bag or Barf Bag, the implication would be that she was in someway famous and thus, worthy of a mention.
I’m thinking someone who calls themselves “Pussy Tantrum” with an a.k.a. of “Kitty Glitter”, has got a Gadsen flag tattoo on her arm, a Confederate flag on her living room wall and a MAGA hat to wear out when she Tinder dates Proudboys.
I’ll consider french fries. How about THAT?
This is why conservatives either discourage higher education or are making great pains to have universities in the image of their beliefs, like Liberty U.
Young people from the majority culture who have benefited from it and will continue to benefit from it, self-selecting to be surrounded by like-minded young people are not brainwashed.
It’s Evangelical Christianity 101: Martyrdom Is Everything.
“They say they want to be all intersectional and everything,” said Cammie, “except when it’s us.”
You just know that Hot Duck(tm) is a deadbeat dad, who left his latest girl to fly and find a new one in a new pond. That’s messed UP.
Yes, Queen, you are crazy.
Dude, I would normally agree with you except she chained herself to Twitter’s doors! That is totally worth a news story and you can’t pretend it isn’t. Telling her background is to make clear the level of insane we’re talking about here, lest anyone take her even slightly seriously as a “victim” of Twitter.
Mentally ill white person considered a real voice of the right wing?
Makes one long for the days when reality TV stars were adored, don’t it?
Saw the trailer.
I just watched the trailer.