
Just missing The 27 Club by a few months.

Unless Isolde’s involved, I give zero shits about what any Tristan is or isn’t doing.

I’m convinced that they were having a good time smashing and, like two crazy kids in infatuation (with a side order of dickmatism), got all dramatic about it and were “Look at us!” until the fever broke and they realized, “Oops.”

Why shouldn’t they?

I will be so glad when this era is over.

Lindsay Lohan’s dress is like $5000.

You do you.  I’m just saying there’s no reason to not let others, who may be ignorant of connoiseurship or, just not care, do the same in peace.

Whatever. It’s just trash for kids and a cheap way to entertain or have a quick sweet on the goal.

Everytime I see that anthropomorphic “female” M & M, I KNOW that sexism is alive and well and living amongst us.

Rivet that thing to his wrist.

Spent a bit over a thousand bucks on a pair of shoes.

That how it works in a republic. Nothing is ever really settled.

G.O.A.T. sighting!!

Stop reprinting them.

The stakes are only high because of the racist nature of film-making, -funding, -distributing.

This was inevitable.