
Thank you.

It doesn’t matter as long as the film makes hundreds of millions of dollars above it’s budget and advertising costs.

I can.

A set of “graduated cylinders” is essentially “a bouquet of dildos,”


If you’re not smart enough to start thinking about and pricing items weeks or months before Black Friday/Cyber Monday, you deserved to get cheated.

And this is what we call SHADE.

Hire better help?

Nobody cares.

C.R.E.A.M., get the money!

If you’re in Boston you’ll end up shot or at least beat up considering the recent Red Sox win over the weekend.

Keep in mind that this ENTIRE story is based on the reporting of a British tabloid in the 19th century.

Which is why he’ll likely squeak back in again.

I’m not impressed.

Show me how I implied that and you’ll have a point.

It’s unfortunate that our shit isn’t actually strawberry ice cream but that’s a load we’ll have to bear.


Because it’s easier to watch and expect others to do stuff and then complain when they get it “wrong” or not to your expectation.