
What’s that?

Still a stereotype, though.

No, what matters is that we call a thing what it is. Gloria seems deep precisely because they created her to look like a walking talking stereotype of a certain depiction of a “sexy” “fiery” and kind of dumb Latina. The kind of shit they had Camen Miranda and Lupe Velez do in the 40s, complete with overbearing accent.

Also, unless you’re James Deen, you don’t actually know why that nutter chose to use a Tom Hardy photo.  So don’t act like you speak with any authority on that, you’re just guessing.

Social media goons didn’t go after her because she didn’t call the cops, swear out a report and, try to get him arrested and tried.

An industry based on displaying sexually commodified culturally stereotypical heteronormative behavior thrives on displaying all the worst aspects of it?


But how many of the tix sold before being slashed to free?

In other words, we’ve all (I include myself) decided to give her a pass when any other show with a completely white adult regular cast and one adult person of color regular character, would have been torn to shreds for her depiction.

She rode the Latin wave and a completely nonsensical just-this-side-of-minstrelsy accent to mad money and a hot hubby.

No, you had it right in your first sentence: All those shows fucking suck.

On the one hand: Good for her!

My original comment was strictly about HER, Avril Lavigne.

It’s all written down. From multiple viewpoints.

I don’t care about what “de rigueur” in your opinion about this site.

Oh, someone’s got some FEELINGS on what other people do to themselves!

Why? Are they done verbally sparring over who played the better “Coriolanus” on Broadway yet?

But I’m not wrong. :-)

My point still stands.
