
None of the people behind these policies care about the impact, though. They care about the show.


I starred you but at the same time, punk never meant what any of us think it means.

She’s a white Western woman from a traditional background.

If it was truly that good then the reason he lost out was because of the Festival’s choices and not because Bryant and his team submitted a film.

Amazing how many of his defenders don’t know about that statement.

Not alarmist. Because my ability to tell what this country is going to go along with has been off since the night they announced Trump’s win.

Not much of a double-edge, considering the show’s had it’s best ratings and most memorable shows and casts under his stewardship.

Yup. That’s it.

I just realized that with certain casts, men playing women got more attention from Lorne and the audience, got more time for their sketches playing women, and, thus, became more memorable in the public, than the actual women in the cast.

I just realized that with certain casts, men playing women got more attention from Lorne and the audience, got more time for their sketches playing women, and, thus, became more memorable in the public, than the actual women in the cast.

He chose the casts, he approved the sketches, on occasion he used his own connections to secure guest hosts and/or musical guests.

I know about what you’re writing about and that’s not banning birth control.

And you’d get a lot more people interested if you put a link to the story in your comment.  A lot of us find out info we didn’t know because a commenter will do just that.  Everything can’t be up to the site.

This isn’t a news site. They aggregate what they are interested in or believe the readers might be interested in.

You make good points, all of which I see and get now.


When was the last time there was a show about African immigrants? Like Nigerians or Somalis, especially? A not small number in America now, especially the midwest.

I don’t think they can either. But I’m wondering if they’ll try and what method they would use.