I'd add to that:
I'd add to that:
I'm fond of Piper, too. It pleases me that she's realized how she gets in her own way, and is now working so hard on belatedly growing up.
I love you for that!! It broke my heart when she asked Piper. However, while I agree Piper us narcissistic and annoying, she can be funny sometimes, no?
REUNITE PANGEA? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (breathes) hahahahahahahahaaaa!
I had a friend who had a friend who determined that he wanted to join the most hopeless, waste of time cause there was. For a long time he was going to go with the Flat Earth Society, until he found Reunite Pangaea.
It was awesome. Maybe the best Graham Norton show ever, and that says a lot because I generally think GN is amazing. Matt Damon giggled the whole time. Bill Murray told a story about trying out Japanese pickup lines on sushi chefs. Hugh Bonneville said the worlds "wolly jumper" about 1,000 times and left the set to…
"Tim Curry has suddenly sprung to mind." is possibly the best pick-up line I've ever heard. In future dating endeavors I will be using it to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Oh, this gave me a good chuckle, but I can't stop focusing on the one that mentioned Tim Curry. How do you not know who Tim Curry is?!
Last night's Graham Norton Show was the funniest I've ever watched. Which is really saying something. I can't imagine how much fun filming The Monuments Men must have been. Also, I want to be married to Bill Murray.
Yeah, i can understand games having adversaries or puzzles that prove a challenge that you can 'beat', but the whole experience of games to me is entertainment, not an adversary that you can conquer.
I came to Arizona because I heard it is covered in desserts. Upon arrival, I was informed that the state is actually covered in desert, but I believe the word "desert" should not have such a narrow definition. As long as I use the word "desert" to mean "dessert," I should be able to find the miles upon miles of ice…
I sure hope no one was shot, this world already has enough pain and suffrage.
I love that she stood her ground. Admitting you were wrong is for wimps.
That too.
Nitpick: Brave is set in Scotland, NOT Ireland. Actually, not a nitpick, because modern-day Scots and Irish would take offense to that, since they're both in intense football rivalries, have different accents, and also, Ireland is its own nation currently, whereas Scotland is not.
In addition to missing the point of EVERYTHING, the person whose Tumblr you quoted also confused Ireland and Scotland. Brave is most definitely not set "in IRELAND."
Don't forget that the 1 in a million times that a historical person of colour role comes along Hollywood says fuck it and gets a white person to play it anyway. See
Marianne Pearl, 21, Starship Troopers, Hunger Games, Avatar, Prince of Persia, Star Trek, Beautiful mind. There are so many more. Heck even the song…
Around the Olympics, Jez was filled with morons insisting that there had been black people shipped in to populate the local area where they took place. Of course, the Olympics were in Stratford and environs, where there aren't many white people. These morons kept insisting "there are no black people in England" and…