
I'm the same. I thought it was unusual. I hate decisions over looks (I generally just give up and try and make myself and even that comes with decisions). I hate decisions over stats etc and do end up googling. I pretty much never replay games therefore I only have one chance to get it right.

I absolutely believe you in that what you've said is a thing that happens but Cox also happens to be one of the most articulate people on TV full stop so I don't think it's surprising that somebody would describe her as such just because she is. I don't think that every time somebody who is black is called articulate

It's the clothes, the lighter hair and blue contacts which make him look so much worse in Casanova I think. Shame because he's probably meant to be at his most attractive?

Haha I was thinking the exact same thing.

Yes, please tell.

I've noticed that men seem to call dark hair 'black' hair more than women do. To me black hair and very dark brown hair are quite different, I couldn't understand why so many people seem to group them but I got a 0 in the test so I suppose some people just can't see what I am seeing.

If I remember correctly Secret of Mana has no default name to delete when naming its 3 characters.. It's the only game I've played that I can think of which does that. I only discovered what their names were from Wikipedia (possibly this info is in the manual that I did not have).

As kids my brother and I won two pikachu cuddly toys at a stall. They look like the first pikachu shown above. My brother's had much more stuffing, especially in its cheeks making it look chubby and mischievous (mine looked more boring). He'd obviously been stealing my Pikachu's rare candies instead of sticking to his

I agree but do you think a tan is still seen as desirable in the West because of luxury/holidays nowadays? I've never made that association. I think Western society just thinks pale is less glowy/attractive/slimming.

What about pale skin with freckles? Is that seen as a bad thing?

I might be misremembering but don't they only bomb the uninhabited areas to try and save the planet? And it's Shinra who bomb sector (7?) killing many civilians (for no reason other than greed/politics); they blame it on Avalanche to make them hated? Plus I think Barret is the only member of Avalanche that you

I think that's more of an American thing? (Probably other places too). I never hear anyone in the UK not refer to the console itself e.g. just saying N64, SNES, Wii (possibly Nintendo Wii). If I read someone writing just 'Nintendo' online I'd guess at them not being British, but maybe it's just me.


Misread. No tall pies.

I don't remember the school being posh/private, although maybe remembering wrong. Doesn't Natalie say she used to go there? And her relative goes there. I feel like her family isn't supposed to be posh.

and performed a song about geeks (or science, I forget) on Ellen.

Maybe outside of the UK? I thought one thing which made Love Actually such a well-known oft-watched is you at least recognise almost every actor out of the large cast. That's not to say some of them haven't gotten even more famous.

Idk, to me the main part of MC is the collection/tools aspect. The creative mode is like Lego though. Depends how you play.

I hate Boost and the long animations, but GFs were by far the strongest attacks. :Z

That sounds like the opposite of trypophobia..?