
Yeah apparently the percentage of interracial couples in the UK is the same as the US even though the US is more racially diverse (so that must mean people see it as less as a big deal?) And if I think of say Doctor Who, most of the main characters were in interacial r/s, in the RTD era at least. It's fairly common on

I'm from the UK and haven't heard that. I'm in the south though. I think I only use 'beat' for bosses, and otherwise say completed or finished (finished for rpg type things, completed for stuff like Spyro which I played back in the day, where you could '100% complete' it if you wanted to.

This is so weird, I was just thinking about this the other day (for no particular reason). I (also in the UK) find it weird to say 'beat' although I'm sure I would too is I grew up somewhere where people said that.

Only if you're talking about women who only date men (just to be pedantic).

I had red but the blue cover is more nostalgic to me, probably because I still own red whereas blue is stuck in the past. Same for the translucent green N64 I nearly got instead of purple.

Or sister?..

I dislike how Buzzfeed steals stuff and doesn't properly link, and I do think the stickers they use are a bit cringey but I think I dislike this guy in the video just as much. The stickers aren't for him. I doubt the people who use them are under any impression that they will be useful to historians, they obviously

I do agree with your general point but I'd say that I think "weird' while having a similar meaning to "unusual" like you say, is generally seen as a negative. Like if you said to someone in a non-jokey way "you're weird" it'd be seen as an insult, whereas if you said "unusual" then less so, or if said "unique" then

I like Rebuild :)

Exactly. I generally don't get confused by video game content but I hadn't been following these two games and since I knew that Ellen Page was in a newish video game and started seeing lots of information about The Last of Us with a very Ellen Page-ish girl in it, I thought that was the Ellen Page game. It takes the

British accent?! xD

I can understand a Scot not identifying as British, maybe soon Scotland won't be a part of Britain anyway but a) currently Scotland is still part of Britain and b) some Scots do identify as Scottish and British. It's not like being British means you can't be Scottish as well, I mean nobody thinks that an English Brit

Noooo, I think N64s are so beautiful :)

Please be in the UK too.

What was the joke? :S

I don't really know what you mean by useless tech but it doesn't need to be expensive. Nobody's ever just given me a console but I've been given 4 PC's for free because people upgrade. Perhaps I've just been lucky but I've looked up how much the PC's would have cost second hand and it's not loads. Two of them were

Wait, but if life happens and you need to replace a tyre then isn't it more important not to have spare money tied up in a game plan thing? I could understand if you were just bad at saving and throw money away when it's in your account or pocket surely if you can get away with not replacing a tire because you've

It doesn't really make it affordable, it just makes it easier to manage for some people who would otherwise be bad at saving (that's not a dig, it's good you found a way to save which works for you). Personally even as a child getting a tiny amount of pocket money I always had some saved, it's just how I am, so for me

That never worked for me :( my legs ached far sooner than I got very tired. Also sometimes headaches. Maybe if I'd not had a cheap dance mat... maybe... no probably not.

Tomb Raider and Ocarina of Time are two of my favourite childhood games. They feel incredibly different to play, I'd never even thought of them in the same category before although I suppose they are both adventure games, but TR has guns and realism and Zelda had a sword and magic... TR had levels very seperate to