
I just... really?.... this says more about the writers than men.  If this is the kind of guys they are with.... the problem isn’t their guys.

Actually, please don’t.  He would be a hundred times more dangerous as a martyred symbol than as the racist, dementia-ridden granpa wallowing in shit that he actually is.  Keep him around until November 4th. Then let him blow his own brains out. Or die of a coke overdose.  Whatever.

Sorry, only Americans have been brainwashed by the arms manufacturers.  Other countries know 'rescuing' countries is ridiculous.

Fun piece of trivia. There are twice as many white people killed by cops as black people (about 600 a year). Blue on white crime takes three times as many lives as black on white crime each year. This isn’t a lead-in to some bullshit “All Lives Matter” whataboutism. My point is that, yes, black people are killed

I think of them as magical trust fund babies. They are born with abilities that mean they don’t need to worry about real world stuff too much. Like Trustafarians, they can still f*** up their lives with less effort than you think. But, they don’t really *need* to try too hard, because... magic.
And some of them

It says a lot about me that I’m almost as horrified by the fact that people STILL punish themselves with Monopoly as by the realities of late-stage capitalism. Play PowerGrid! Play Puerto Rico! And implement a public option!

Struck once again by parallels between #MeToo and #BlueLivesMatter. Both assert that their class is deserving of unconditional trust. Both argue that their class should be allowed to frame the narrative, and anybody who questions that narrative is a Very Bad Person.
No class of people is so perfect that the process

I need to see it to really comment, but I was surprised that they made a whole series about someone who commits suicide. From my own work and research on suicide, a pretty hard rule is high visibility suicides trigger copycats, and suicide as a plot device in popular media triggers more copycats. I am always reminded

Yeah, this is the part that chaps my hide. Not the backwards Mammonists saying “Jesus hates abortion and homos”. In the 2018 election, the under 40 turnout was about 30%. You wanna keep your reproductive rights? Submit a G******ed ballot. You wanna keep industry in your state? Same thing.

“Hey! Alias fans, Jennifer Garner and JJ Abrams are working together again!.... on something almost diametrically opposite of Alias in tone.”

I don’t know if this could find its way to the new Netflix MST3K or if the boys at Rifftrax might be interested in riffing it. I know they do take requests on occasion.  But it seems like a PRIME candidate.

Why not either?  I don’t get gratuitously stupid OR unlikable characters.  And to echo Robusto, it just seems like lazy writing when the show forces otherwise intelligent characters to behave stupidly to move the plot forward.

Spider-Man, charismatic? I never got that. He always seemed way too needy, too unsure of himself to be charismatic. Part of charisma is not appearing to give a crap. Spidey DESPERATELY wants people to like him, thus, the wisecracks. And nobody ever really took him seriously or showed him much respect. “Oh yeah,

Its a little amusing how aggressively the author tries to promote a narrative of “Nobody likes Tom Cruise anymore, he’s too WIERD”. When he actually tries to get down to why.... hey, he jumped around on Oprah’s couch that one time. And scientology. And... he’s just WEIRD.  I don’t care either way, he picks smart roles

1)Heath Ledger was a better Joker. Acknowledged. And not just because he’s dead.

Now playing

I saw John Wick. I was struck by how much it reminded me of Shoot’em Up. Shoot ‘em Up at least seemed to be tongue in cheek. John Wick was curiously earnest about doing 27 headshots in 60 seconds.

All signs point to Niantic being made up of the guys who wrote the ‘ware for Healtcare.gov. They got tapped for ingress, made a very vanilla game, and got handed the keys to one of the five best gaming IPs around.


I might have an idea who triggered this.