
The property owner is not in the wrong here at all. Quite frankly it’s horseshit that a tow company won’t tow this illegally parked car off of his property, and that’s 100% on the city for not having clear laws, but as with all of this “disruptor” bullshit, from Uber to Car2Go to AirBnB to Lime or whatever else, they

How is the property owner wrong here?

Given Samsung’s previous problems with exploding phones and washing machines, you’d think people might be a little more circumspect about ordering a brand new product sight unseen.

Well...at least they aren’t catching on fire this time? lol

Libertarianism is like astrology. Something stupid people believe will make them sound smarter than they are.

By definition, GMO is neither safe nor unsafe.

So, wait, are you suggesting there could be a flaw in all the US safety bodies basically leaving it up the the companies they’re meant to regulate to regulate themselves?! How unAmerican of you!

Fail Rated.

We were surprised because we didn’t think it could happen. I remember election night my GF at the time said “Wtf he did!” As in he actually pulled it off. Even my grandma said she didn’t think she’d see a Black man in the White House in her lifetime. Obama was the right man needed for the country at the time.

Lyman said reckless driving charges against the teen were being considered...”

That marginalized tax rate point is the core one to me. Don’t get me wrong, I assume Scalise knows exactly how the tax rate actually works, but is intentionally misleading the discussion because he knows that a lot of people don’t.

True story:

When your brand identity is dominated by styling that looks like it was focus grouped at Trump rallies, your brand identity needs some reflection and self-examination. I swear to God, somewhere in the focus-group verbatims you’ll find some comments about how having a giant-ass grille in someone’s hybrid’s rearview and

When I returned, my spot was occupied by some jackwagon in a Jeep Compass. Said jackwagon parks in my spot often, but I try not to be an asshole and just park in one of the empty spots on the roof. I don’t want to put him through the rigamarole of getting towed.

I’m trying to think of a bike joke but I’m two tired.

I do not understand your complaint.

Sorry, but there’s no way I’m reading all of that shit.

One of my all-time favorite bands.

See: that Ticketmaster settlement from a few years ago. Crap concerts, nowhere near me, and dozens of $2 coupons. Gee, thanks.

Come on now. You lost me on number 1. You are my service advisor. You are my point of contact to fix the problem. I’m not talking to the truck I’m talking to you. Really... you tell me there is nothing you can do if the tech screws up the fix? Bullsquirt. I’m relying on you to manage the process. I’ve had good and bad