But hang on now. I agree that he was totally, completely out of line and that punching a woman is repulsive and wrong. However, she also slapped him. She was also out of line. They both exhibited really problematic behavior.
But hang on now. I agree that he was totally, completely out of line and that punching a woman is repulsive and wrong. However, she also slapped him. She was also out of line. They both exhibited really problematic behavior.
I'm not an MRA troll, but I was in a long relationship with a woman who would habitually slap me during arguments. I never hit her back. Partly because I was raised to never lay hands on a woman, even if she striked first. And partly because I knew that if I ever defended myself I would be the abuser in societies…
Some woman (allegedly) thinking that a performance piece was license to sexually violate someone is further proof that we are in desperate need of public education on consent.
Well, I have no pressing need to make you think I'm a woman, that's just who I am. Other people can get on board, or not, but it really doesn't matter that much to me. My issue is when people start advocating against trans people's ability to access the correct gendered places. In the context of your "Midwesterner"…
Yup, Sarah Jane, Leeta, Romana 1&2, all have their strengths and weaknesses, and they were awesome to watch.
i love it
I thought the unrequited love arc was great, actually. If anything, she was the first companion I could really identify with because of that undercurrent. While we're at it, it made the fact that she walked away of her own accord at the end all the more poignant, and her reappearances in the series gave me a happy…
they have had some male companions, but i REALLY want someone from the past, or an alien, too.
donna got the worst ending ever idc
"If Hillary can run for president — she went through all that rigmarole." So a woman getting cheated on by her husband is equivalent to a man who is accused of being a long-term serial rapist. Interesting.
Judd Apatow only produced Bridesmaids. It was written and directed by other people entirely.
He also said "I'm not saying that what these woman claim happened, didn't happen." and then two paragraphs later "His detractors and accusers smack of something else than truth — they carry the faint aroma of deceit".
Nope. Cosby isn't having to face any jury. No judge. No trial. No execution. His life isn't ruined. He's sleeping soundly in his nice warm bed in his nice warm house. Tomorrow he'll wake up and spend his day in whatever manner pleases him best. He can spend his millions on anything he chooses, be it fine lawyers,…
Yeah, Aku, I totally forgot about that time Hillary Clinton raped 17 people.
you are in the black and I'm in the gray. Sigh.
Innocent until proven guilty never meant that average citizens have to pretend they don't believe the evidence of their own eyes and ears until a jury issues a verdict. It just means the person can't be punished criminally. That one has become as much of a canard as "free speeeeech!"
Well a lot of those Jews didn't complain about the holocaust right away. I mean if something bad happened they should have reported it to the police.
He's not defending Bill Cosby. He's just using the recent Bill Cosby scandal to remind us that women are never to be believed.
Hahahahaha, he literally complained that his article "In Defense of Bill Cosby" was misconstrued as defending Bill Cosby.
I'm also the guy that's listening and hearing everything