
If her promoters had only used happily volunteering for-exposure-only artists, then I would agree with you. That would be an incredibly kind and generous offer. And maybe some of the people they contacted were happy to work for free.

How about "Nobody wants to pay someone to fucking hula hoop!" as an implication that some artists should not be paid?

Oh, I'm sure she won't be able to hear me above those giving her high fives, but high fives don't pay the rent either. She's already unable to pay her rent, and I fail to see how Oprah is to blame for that. You already pointed out that any side performances were ancillary to the show, which directly explains why they

How goddamned stupid are you? It is arrogant to run your mouth about shit you haven't bothered to research. It is not arrogant to state that you have accumulated knowledge of shit you do research.

I'm sure she's good. She should find customers willing to pay for her service rather than castigating those who aren't.

This is the crux. I don't really know why this woman is pitching a fit over something she simply had to turn down if she didn't feel it was worth her time. Every business has to weigh their return on investment for exposure, marketing, etc. Lots of people take a lower rate or work for free or do more work than

But more seriously, I'm laughing at you because you're being hilariously intellectually dishonest, and the reason for it is transparent. The discussion was female leads. "Lead" is a term with a specific meaning. It is not defined by who is on the poster or who is in the ads, but what role a character plays in a film's

Nope. I was an unpaid intern at a major finance company. Really technical internships are more likely to be paid but I would bet a lot of money that there are more people not paying their interns than people that are, at least in this county.

It is amoral, meaning that companies aren't operating in bad faith when they try to minimize cost. Oprah didn't put her show on for charity; she's allowed to try to maximize her profits by minimizing her costs. Revolva isn't a charity; she's allowed to turn down performing for free if she thinks it's not worth her

I'm not a fan of religion, but I particularly and forcefully despise that in which I was born: Christian Orthodoxy. You will never meet a more whorish institutional structure, in which alliance with political tyrants is prized above all. The Orthodox leak resources from the impoverished state, and they continue to

Business owners always try to minimize costs, and performers are not the only business owners who have been asked to work for free or exposure or whatever. This wasn't especially egregious. If performers collectively refuse to work for free, then their value would increase; it's not Oprah's fault if performers devalue

I was asked in an interview about these things once. I said, "Oh... I feel like I should tell you that's not legal to ask in an interview." The guy was pissed. He finished the interview with a red face and no eye contact. Needless to say I didn't get the job, but I didn't really want to work for him after that anyway.

yeah? many aren't.

The Disney princesses never really appealed to me, but a lot of the other characters did. Maleficent is, hands down, my favorite Disney female and character to this day. I also liked the three fairies in the first movie, particularly Merryweather. She was right. They should have left the dress blue. Ursula is

Maleficent and Ursula are my favorite Disney females. After those two it's Lilo and Stitch all for the sheer adorable factor even if it was a bit sappy.

Seconding all this so hard. The villains (Maleficent, Cruella DeVille and Ursula) are badass, self-driven bitches dripping with style who get shit done. The princesses were _so_ boring and naive by comparison.

GINANDTONIC >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((

I really don't understand all the love for Frozen.

I didn't realize there were children that looked like THAT

a woman's—or anyone else's, for that matter—right to choose even something as simple as shaving her genitals without being shamed for it by idiots like you is absolutely an imperative human right. You're no better than a slut shaming misogynist prick if you can't see that.