Did you post an article based on information from the daily mail? You might as well write a story about bat boy.
Did you post an article based on information from the daily mail? You might as well write a story about bat boy.
This is quite possibly the dumbest article I’ve ever seen.
Yes it is. Any smaller and it would have zero utility. Making it a useless pickup. Full disclosure I didn’t read the article your headline upset my fragile sensibilities.
Does MagneRide count? I like it because it’s short for a word no one can pronounce. Magnetorheological.
Why no AWD on the hybrid Ford? Why? It was so close to being perfect. Now I’ll have to just settle for really really really really really really really good.
Is anyone else confused by the whole CEO of Ford being condescending comment? I listened to the whole interview on the verge and not a single second sounded like he was being condescending to Tesla. I think the author of this article needs to take quick break. You’re working yourself to hard and getting worked up. It…
Have you seen a delivery truck drive down the street? I think anyone with eyes could’ve told you that. I’ve been cut off at least half a dozen times by Amazon trucks. I’ve seen them run red lights. Once I saw one behind me in traffic decide that me waiting at a red light was perfect opportunity to cut around me run…
Lock him up! Im sure he’s cool if I borrow that phrase and use it on him right. What am I saying there’s no way he’s gonna understand the irony. Anyway. Lock him up!
Wasn’t this article posted a few months ago? Why was it re posted? Also the alternative to traffic stops are not something car people are on the side of. Traffic camera, speed cameras, red light cameras. All of which are simply to make more revenue for city’s and are a burden on working class people who don’t have…
Listen. I haven’t read anything posted on Gizmodo for weeks because they switched to this layout. It sucks. Just letting you know. Unless the story is posted in apple news, I’m not coming back to this website.
A cursory googling would tell you that 34% thing is bullshit but hey I’m not the “journalists” here.
As someone who has payed full retail price for insulin for years before I could get insurance allow me to say $600 for prescriptions is adorable.
How do they think brexit will effect future filming? Will it lead to more filming in the U.K. And other countries outside of the E.U. for cost purposess?