Quintessential Douche

What is your fucking deal, guy? No one's talking about ratings, we're talking about clear, drastic changes from the books and that falls on the writers hands. And when it's something so unexpected and shocking and made to garner people talking about this, like the rape was, like Talisa's baby-stabbing was, it's

Hear, hear, madame. The hypocrisy between the treatment of the "tool" King-to-Be and the saintly-Queen-of-Scots is annoying to say the least. I know she's the protagonist, but they seem to think the only way to get people to like her is to constantly build her up by making her seem like an amazing ruler, while trying

She's totally perfect in the role, I can't imagine anyone playing it better.

Let us live in denial, please. We just want to be the awesome Dornish people but end up being self-destructive Lannisters.

The Lannisters are most definitively Republicans.

Well was she raped or killed? No? Guess she did an alright job in a world where it happened constantly then.