Quint forever grey

Nice one Kentucky. Your move Florida.

Why are they all filming it themselves when it’s already on the telly?

That's some Fox News level misquoting.

She can still hear the singing...

I am genuinely worried this is going the way of brexit...

I wouldve also accepted the Munster theme music.

Could we do the same for kinja to get out of the greys?

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

Out of their what?! I’m going to have to have a word with Mrs Quint about this.

Hopefully she'll be signing her own song and not just someone else's.

If you are gong to make his shit up at least make half an effort when photoshopping.

Did you spot the Ramis bust outside of Wiigs office? I thought it was a nice touch.

Jesus. Hopefully Gawker Media covers your bar tabs. You'll be needing it.

I see nothing strange about it either. This is exactly what I think a group of conservative interns would look like.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Have you actually seen it? Why are you so passionate for it to fail? Seems an odd thing to get worked up over.

Fantastic... What a bunch of twats

That's a question you should probably ask those six thousand people that rated it one star before seeing it.

I thought about it. But it seems so pointless. Let the babies have their tantrum.

Sorry. I thought you'd be into it.

Because that only for the Thursday late showing. Now you have 3 full days.