Quint forever grey

Really?, most of the comments are telling the pro gun twats to go fuck themselves.

You take that back about Moz. Being a grumpy bastard is part of his charm.

You're looking at it all wrong. You don't have to share the leftover pie with your kid. Win.

Same as shooting in general I'd guess. They just happen so often.

What were his swim times like?

Yeah but how many pair of nail scissors made it through?

Exactly. Just means the DWs heater doesnt need to work as hard.

I’m in a similar situation, there seems to be a core of employees in 5-6 main compaines. Some people at my place have worked together at 2-3 different companies over the years, they know and are friends with people who work at the other companies. It’s not just pissing off the company, people talk. This can be good

That is my bag, baby.

I’m sure the DLC is already in the works.


I’m sure he would if he could. Daughter first though...

You take that back about bread pudding!

Season 1and 2 at least

That’s a very weak rickroll.

If there is they must LOVE this show:

Why is there a picture of a Santa costume? Is this a Reindeer thing?