Quint forever grey

3D content central and Grabcad are also nice. Actual Solidworks files so you can change them to your liking without dealing with a mesh.

Little Quintette is currently in full princess regalia with a TMNT shell on back and the She-Ra sword I made for her.

You’ll also say it when he retires from film making...i can’t wait for that day.

Score and snap. it works.

If only it would. Imagine having to face Ser Swelter!

It’s almost like shouting (typing in all CAPS) abuse at someone you found in a facebook search isnt the best of ideas....

Slow news day I guess.

No. Because 3D printing is just a tool. You still need to make the 3D file, cleanup the print, paint etc etc

We go with the traditional Goliath action figure atop our tree.

Fine. Don’t forget to bring booze.

I know. We only have a picture of it at the moment. As soon as someone makes an action figure or doll of Mel I’ve got the hot glue gun ready.

We do Christmas and Hanukkah. Christmas is easy to do in a non-religious way (Santa and what not). For Hanukkah we just added the Hanukkah fairy (looks like a miniature Mel Brooks with butterfly wings) and it’s just about lighting candles (and presents for 7 days... or is it 8?).

Welcome brother atheist. There’s only one snag... we don’t get that many holidays...

Nice try Hydra agent Shiz. Nice try...

Is it holding?

I’m just telling you what I know from our chats on Bolter and Chainsword.com

It’s a known fact the Sanders plays Warhammer 40k in his spare time. Mainly Dark Angels but he also has a sizeable Tau army (with a focus on Kroot mercenaries, obviously) along with a 2500pt Squat army.

Its perfect because he really makes the guy confront the reality of what he’s suggesting.

Brimstone and Treacle has a great bit about it... The first video links to it.

Picking on for defenses corporations? What are you? A commie?