Quint forever grey

It bet it works better than telling people you’ve read Gormenghast a dozen times...

How big a baby fits in there?

Probably also that they have competiton from the other international airlines...

Isn’t using a hat kind of cheating?

Cos she would die. It’s what Bothans do.

Won't someone protect us from these conservative men?

Can’t you just do it the way JK did Dumbledor?

Chewie can’t be a furry? A baldy maybe...

So why the hell not have Poe and Finn. Though it’ll be awkward when Poe has to introduce Finn to the parents... “This is Finn, he kinda, sorta used to be a Stormtrooper...”

There already is. He's called Zorro.

It's a nice idea but I doubt there's too much red tape for imperial engineers. After all they don't ever bother with something as simple as a handrail.

Stop mocking me with all these made up places.

and they both seem to enjoy wearing black.

What a minute... Skokie is a real place? I thought he was taking the piss...

I’ve tried 8 out of 12 there. Mostly agree but the one game that really hooked me was Shadowrun... such a shame they went PC only with the last one.

To be fair I have six cats at the moment. They are nothing but fur covered bastards.

Mrs Quint still says no to goats. But a fuck-tonne of cats is a-okay...

An ex of mine had a hedgehog family in her back garden that were basically tame. They'd crawl onto your lap and we're just awesome overall. Losing access to hedgehog cuddles was the worse part of breaking up with her.