Quint forever grey

Step one to fix this is clearly to have Elba be the next Bond...

Sexy Probe droid sounds all kinds of wrong..

Calm down. She's just talking about doing some Trek cosplay...

Today Quint Jr. told me he wanted to be a Paleontologist-Firefighter-Spaceman. I think Quint jrs plan has been thought through more and has a greater chance of success than this “plan”.

A gold rupee for you right there.

Mrs Quint assures me that 6 cats is a perfectly normal number of cats...

Missed out half of the ways to use calipers...

But Dan Smith will still teach me guitar, right?

Well I guess that explains who Rey's father is...

That is correct.

Mrs Quint does this for a living. No more of than 6 she says, otherwise you’re spreading too yourself too thin or don't know what you want to do...

So it's Lego Visionaries ?

I like the ankle warmers in the third pic...

Just remember when it's your round and you'll be fine.

And don't you fucking forget it!

Not just Ireland. Pretty much all of the UK...

Doesn’t matter. Don’t put fucking clothes on your pets!

Here you go:

I’d like to think it’s a joke since surely no one is that fucking dumb... but deep down I know it isn’t.