Quint forever grey

Not all of them. Maeby likes to keep her distance from the others. So 5 cat cuddles happen but not 6.

I have 6. That's more than enough.

I assume just about anything one can imagine is a 'thing' for someone, somewhere...

Did anyone sit on the cake?


I'd agree IF they get the original artists back to do/oversee the new work.

your comment makes me feel old. Thanks a bunch.

wow. You're brain really works like that?

if we just watched the same video and that's what you saw you really need to get your eyes tested.

Dude could've saved six months if he just took 6 seconds to draw that in paint.

I'd never heard of Black Pete 'til now... Holy crap...

Good advice all the time.

if a homless and/or hungry man came into their McChurch would he get a free meal?

You know a dude called Felicia?

So many hours spent on Battlefront. Would love for a HD version.

Slightly off topic but I'd love for Birth of the Federation to get ported to tablets. It's such a perfect fit I'm amazed it hasn't been done.

This needs to be ported for a tablet ASAP. Then you'd have the true LCARS feel to it.

I am at a total loss as to what this gif is supposed to convey.


I thought you were going for another use but I can see that working.