I do not now, and have never seem the issue here: If you do not “believe in” or agree with abortion, don’t have one. But keep your big nose out of everyone else’s business. How hard is this concept?
I do not now, and have never seem the issue here: If you do not “believe in” or agree with abortion, don’t have one. But keep your big nose out of everyone else’s business. How hard is this concept?
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.
Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never…
“It’s not their fault because they waited until the last possible second to do the right thing and then a complication arose so the right thing couldn’t actually be done” is a shit take.
I didn’t scour all the comments (because god does Kinja make that difficult) but I wanted to ensure some focus was put on the Crown and their role here in selecting the charge that went before the court. It was a really important part of obtaining the conviction to go with this charge, rather than involuntary…
The Stephans’ case has sparked a larger debate in Canada about whether naturopaths, who are not exactly real doctors, should be allowed to treat children at all.