
I had a dream recently where I found out my boss had to nail every chick in the office. By some twisted logic it had something to do with the betterment of society. The big problem I had with the dream wasn't that he was nailing every chick, but that my girlfriend was next.

Was he drunk when he filed this suit?

@OMG! Ponies!: While getting over her ex, my girl would facestock her boyfriend. He's still on her facebook to this day, which troubles me a bit. She has no intention of seeing him again, or being friends with him, so I really don't get it. It just seems like a mixed signal.

Holy CGI, Batman!


@boopadoo: I've been like that for years now. A lot of games require a certain amount of grinding, and I won't stand for any of it.

@sollipse: Now GET people living on them.

@jim.hubbard: Not necessarily that there are no honest people, but I would bet that there would be plenty of dishonest people around to make sure that the law is used to prevent those they don't like from getting into office.

@jim.hubbard: It would be impossible to elect anyone with such a law.

It doesn't help that these leaders likely believe in their own lies.

Q: Why doesn't more fantasy take place in the future?

It's not until now that I've realized just how surreal and strange the character design for Krang is. Actually, let's extend that realization to the entirety of the TMNT.

Let the modders do the mods Blizzard.

Kids wouldn't bully each other so much if they were made to work in factories or coal mines.

The only person Steve Jobs should have been mad at was himself for losing Bungie. My girl's ex-boyfriend hates me for stealing her away from him apparently. All I did was offer her something he either couldn't or wouldn't.