
@Annalee Newitz: Good point. I am constantly assessing how I think about stuff though. How do I feel about a girl? Are those thoughts any good? What if I changed my thoughts a bit and looked at it another way? Now how do I feel about the girl? Does that work? Not quite. Let's change it up a bit by throwing in

@ManchuCandidate: Why would the incompetent want to know they are incompetent? It's to their advantage to think they are better at what they do then they actually are and for others to be fooled into thinking like-wise.

I would be shocked if I don't have a brain like that. I spend most of my days inside my own head. Even when I'm doing work (analytical type stuff), I'm not putting much thought towards that work, but am thinking unrelated thoughts.

@Jon: SEGA isn't as fast as their hedgehog apparently.


@sparrowhawker1: Yes. A very sound mind. One that's not going to freak out when a sudden gust of wind comes along. A person who is capable of sound decision-making followed by deliberate, consistent actions.

Hmmm, I'm not sure what to think. The height doesn't really bother me, but they're not being hooked in for extended periods does.


@roninxsamurai: That's a good point, but fortunately I cannot speak to the experience of losing someone with whom I had built a life. I can only give my thoughts on the parts I understand.

@shizaam: What did they blame that on, a Bugs Bunny cartoon? Tweety Bird can be so cruel to Sylvester.

@joeyparr: Very well said. If anything, my previous experience with games has taught me:

@Corwin: I enjoy cuddling before and after sex just as much as my girl. I know that it does not lead to more sex with her though. For her I think it's more that I compulsively want to spend time with her and make her happy.

"...increased the likelihood of further coital acts."

@Adam Tierney: It matters not from where she came, so long as she comes.


"I think if Jim Cameron came to us tomorrow and said, 'You want to make a 'StarCraft' movie?' we'd probably sign that."

@englishbreakfasttasteslikedarj...: I had to think about that one for a second, and it I get your meaning right...that's dirty. Kudos.